
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Don Woolley 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #21096

    kate robinson

    What is the best way to deal with rats? There is evidence of them in and around my hen run AND my eggs are disappearing.. I have used poison in the past but I think they may be becoming resistant to it. Any ideas? K


    Don Woolley

    I Shall be interestsd to read the replies to this .Something has eaten the carrot roots I left in the ground ,Leaving the tops untouched. Don Woolley



    Hello Don, I wonder whether you have field mice? In a way it matters not except that your carrots are gone.. Another year I would harvest them by late October to store in sacks, somewhere cool. Rats could find them and I do put some poison down in my barn in November and then keep it topped up. But rats are clever and sometimes eat the produce first.
    Kate, I have no answer really, especially as hens mean food for rodents. If you do use poison, make sure to keep some there all the time until it stops being eaten, so the rats perish before perhaps acquiring immunity.
    I think the mild weather has helped rodents to thrive.


    Don Woolley

    Thank you Charles,helpful as ever. As you suggest I’ll be more careful next year,but it has worked before.I know we have field mice,other folk catch many,and I had to deal with rats in my shed two years ago. Your book sounds wonderful,I’ve ordered a copy expecting to be just as thrilled as you.

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