New Allotment – Advice

Community Community No dig gardening Preparing the ground New Allotment – Advice

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  charles 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #32506


    Hi Charles,

    I got my first very overgrown clay soil allotment 3 weeks ago, I have strimmed all the grass down so am left with pretty much a blank canvas/field. I have the below plan, does this sound correct or am I missing any steps?
    1. Cover 2/3rds of plot with weed membrane
    2. Start creating beds by digging and weeding as much as possible.
    3. Cover beds with manure (Does it have to be well-rotted if adding it now? Was planning on getting it from a farm)
    4. Leave uncovered until Spring for the weather and worms to do their job
    5. Rake the beds
    6. Sow seeds

    Sound correct?
    Thank you so much in advance.



    Hmm I am unsure where you found some of these precise details like cover 2/3rds of the plot, it depends how much of it you want to plant soon etc.
    Point 2 is not my advice.
    See this for more details.
    Yes manure needs to be rotted if you want to sow in spring, winter raking is good.



    Covering part of a plot with a weed surpressing membrane is common advice to gardeners tackling an overgrown plot , and makes particular sense for traditional diggers.

    In my mind it might also make sense to non-diggers if they don’t have access to enough compost to cover the whole plot in their first season and/or are initially unsure as to how much of the plot they want to bring into cultivation – it’s very easy to end up being swamped with veg!

    Depending on the type of weed and the eveness of the surface an alternative to covering with membrane might be to use a lawn mower to mow any uncultivated areas, giving you a source of “green” material to compost for your next beds…

    Good luck!

    (also on clayish soil – for which I must say I find Charle’s no dig approach works supremely well)



    Yes membrane is useful for taming overgrowing weeds.
    Because its expensive, and you may not need it after a first year of clearing ground, I recommend cheaper polythene too, 600 gauge. Best put on when ground is moist so should be fine now.

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