Asparagus planting

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables Asparagus planting

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bluebell 7 years ago.

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    Hi Charles et al
    I have finally taken delivery of my asparagus plants however there appears to be a lot of conflicting advice about how to plant and at what spacing.
    Spacing varies between 12 inches and 48 inches for rows and between 12 and 24 inches between plants. So if I go for 24 inches each way will that be sufficient? Especially considering my dry soil?
    Also most sources say make a ridge to plant on, however is tis necessary with a well drained soil? I was planning on laying them on the surface and covering with a couple of inches of compost.

    Many thanks for your assistance and invaluable advice



    Hi Blubell. I viewed this planting as an ultra long term investment so gave 2 x 2.5′ spacing for mine. If you have the space, in hindsight I’d consider this a minimum and now wished I’d used two separate beds at perhaps 3 x 3′ to really let them sprawl and maximise future harvests. It’s difficult to do because the plants look so small at planting time and the distance between them so large! See what Charles suggests 🙂



    Yes Bluebell the official advice to plant on trenches applies to poor-draining soil.
    For you, much better on the flat and with 3in compost on top, since they need to stay moist in this dry spring. Water them in as well.
    I echo Tris’ comments on spacing, 3×3′ is good and in year’s one and two you can plant some veg between. The extra space pays off from about year five. Or if they have room to root outwards, that helps.
    Happy planting.



    Thanks Tris and Charles
    Not sure I can quite manage 3×3 foot but will plant as far apart as the space reasonably allows (once I decide which bed! it is bothering me more because it is a long term thing!).

    Looking forward to a summer spent watering them (NOT!). Since water is hard to come by on our plots in summer as pressure falls to zero if someone else is using it. So it will either be midnight watering’s or it may influence the decision as to bed and encourage me to plant in the bed closet to my water butts, even if it is a little shaded.



    Got them in at 30 inches each way, which hopefully will be enough. as usual the compost did not go as far as I had expected, probably a good 2 inches rather than 3 but I’m sure I can top that up at a later date?
    Pleased to see little shoots popping up already, although I hope they don’t suffer too much from this weeks frosts.
    Thanks for your help.



    Bluebell that sounds good and 2in. compost is good for now. Subsequent mulches can be of less perfect compost than is good for annual vegetables.
    Any late frost will cause a little damage to new spears but not the crowns.



    Thanks Charles. Popped up for a quick look this evening and although they have stopped growing they are still looking well despite a frost last night

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