When to move seedlings from house window sill to unheated poly tunnel?

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing When to move seedlings from house window sill to unheated poly tunnel?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Winnieone 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Charles

    Kath has enjoyed discovering germinating seeds in the airing cupboard but would soon like to reclaim our guest and main bedroom window sills from young plants in modules and 3″ pots.

    I know that young peas, leeks, etc are fine in a large unheated poly tunnel, but I wonder when young toms can be transferred to the staging, perhaps covered in fleece. Do young sweet peppers and melons, the latter to be sown month end, need to stay within the protection of warmer night temperatures in the bedroom for longer?

    I realise that this is a ‘how long is a piece of string’ question but it is just to get an idea of an average time scale for sunny Exmouth.

    Best wishes




    John, many are having this problem in the cold weather.
    However it’s not too frosty anymore and yes to move onions, lettuce etc to a tunnel, even to plant them if large enough, with fleece over.
    But the warmth loving plants you mention will be retarded by cold nights in a polytunnel, even fleeced.
    On the other hand in sunny Exmouth by the Sea you may get away with it. Not the cucurbits though, I have not even sown them yet, no rush this year.



    Hi Charles

    Thank you for this. I look forward to the April update but fear it may be accompanied by a photo of Homeacres in Easter snow!



    Hi Charles, my cabbage seedlings germinated quicker than the time given on the packet and they now have stems of well over an inch, very leggy and no true leaves yet. I moved them to a lighter window sill but unsure whether to throw them out and start again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



    They are fine but tall and thin, from lack of light.
    It’s getting mild enough for them to be ok outside. Sounds like otherwise you have only windowsills.



    Thank you Charles, I’ll move them to my plastic greenhouse with the flap open. Now I have more window-sill space for next lot of seeds!

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