Too late to plant Sweetcorn, winter squash, cucumber and courgette?

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables Too late to plant Sweetcorn, winter squash, cucumber and courgette?


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sandra 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Green pasture

    Newbie gardener/allotmenteer/nodigger having trouble juggling timings/succession here!
    I have some module plants sown 11/06 that I needed to prepare the ground for in our new allotment. Circumstances prevented me sorting the bed- while these plants rocketed away, which have been ready to plant out for at least 2-3 weeks. The cucurbits are looking desperate!

    I have the following modules ready to plant:
    12x Sweetcorn Swift F1
    6x Squash Uchuki Kuri
    2x Cucumber Marketmore
    2x Courgette unspecified yellow variety

    The area is finally ready for planting – but have I missed the boat and would I be better off saving for my brassicas and salad module sown late june and almost looking ready to go (despite the caterpillars’ best efforts)? I do have more allotment space I can prepare, and when the french beans (planted 10 June from 4-week-old modules) finish there will be approx 2.5×1.5m area spare.

    I also have space in the greenhouse for maybe 2-4 plants in pots (25cm) which was reserved to plant a few tomato sideshoot cuttings but if that gives me a better chance of cucumbers or courgette I can sacrifice the extra toms.

    Sorry this is long but any help appreciated.



    It is a bit late but if growing in modules I would plant as quick as you can and hope for a warm autumn they will romp away in the heat although it may be a bit late for sweetcorn just put them in and cross your fingers good luck



    I have just sown brassicas and cabbage 2nd crop and hopefully a second crop of carrots today as well, in high hopes, at least we have some water now which we have been very short of (we are on a well here) I agree though, as you have your sweetcorn in modules you can’t lose anything by planting them out. I had a similar problem, I ended up in hospital for the best part of 2 weeks and everything romped away here too and a lot of my stuff was lost because of the heat and drought to modules not yet planted out. Mind you, got a few good harvests of beetroot, carrots, kale, cabbage, onions, garlic, courgette and squash which I had been able to plant out before I went into hospital.

    Best of luck and good weather to you.

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