Good morning all
I have a weed which is appearing all over my allotment; in the paths, between the fruit bushes, in my pile of rotting horse manure, and even in some dug beds which are covered in weed control fabric (though growing at a much slower rate there). I can only describe it as a massive upright dock leaf which grows very quickly (inches within days) and there is some in a neighbouring plot which currently stands around three feet high.
I dug a small group up yesterday in an area about a foot square and pulled out a mass of roots.
Can anyone identify it by my description please? I have tried to upload photos but they are too large for the site to accept. I haven’t managed to cover all the plot in polythene and am not acquiring cardboard as quickly as I would like so having to prioritise a bit and I think this little blighter is next on the list…
Thanks in advance.