Feedback on 2019 tomato sowing and growing…

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing Feedback on 2019 tomato sowing and growing…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stringfellow 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Just a few points of interest, as my Sungold and Zenith tomato plants are quite the most vigorous I have ever grown.

    1. I sowed on April 7th, soon after new moon, rather than my traditional close to full moon. This was more pragmatism than principle, associated with when the full moons fell!
    2. I transplanted 8 day old seedlings not into JI No.1, rather straight into garden centre own-brand MPC.
    3. 11 days later, I was obliged to pot on into 15cm pots as the plant growth was so vigorous.

    I have sown other open-pollinated strains which are also very vigorous, not quite as quick to germinate as the F1 seeds.

    Obviously, we had a whole week of hot and very sunny weather, which helped tremendously.

    But I am minded to say that buying lots of different successional composts seems unnecessary and that sowing at any time during the waxing moon phase may be pretty effective.

    I tried loading photos up, but sadly they are too large to be accepted.



    Thanks Rhys, interesting. I use klassman for germination and then potting on – everything seems to thrive in the stuff! Apero and Ox Heart are my main two varieties this season and they are pretty much ready to go in the ground, albeit with fleece for protection. Cheers.

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