I am new to the ‘no dig’ method and have a new area of garden I am going to try this method in. My problem here (California) are gophers! Never in my 40 years of gardening on our property have I ever encountered soooo many!! I never had a problem until around 3 years ago…plants there one minute, gone the next. Every morning I am seeing new holes in the area I am going to start ‘no dig’beds. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will have to put hardware cloth on the ground and then use a large supply of cinder blocks I have to build up beds, making sure the wire is on the outside of the cinder block and then bent up and wired on the sides so nothing sneaks in…I feel like I’m building a prison yard for my plants! I don’t want to use poison…but….
Does anyone else have a problem with gophers? Or are they all at my garden?!!