Planting squashes and courgettes

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables Planting squashes and courgettes

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tessa 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Charles, I have 4 med sized no dig raised beds (1.5mx3m) which are earmarked for various veg. I want to grow some squash and courgettes but am loathe to put them in the beds as they will take up a lot of room. I have a large patch of ground that is covered in grass and was wondering if i cover this with thick cardboard i could cut out holes in it and plant through into the ground, This would mean that the plants would grow over the cardboard (no weeds etc and dying off of grass underneath) but I am also mindful that they like lots of watering in the summer and the rain etc may not get through the cardboard.
    Any advice would be welcome before I decide to put energy into the process.
    many thanks



     Hi Matt

    I agree that squash and courgette will tend to take over you beds. You have left it late to mulch and the dry soil makes it more difficult but I think it is worth a try; rain does soak through cardboard after a while and also runs into planting holes. But I think you need to put some compost on the grass before covering, at least in three inch mini mounds close to planting holes, so that plants have somewhere to root initially. If you had started in February or early March, you could have done it without compost.

    If the squashes and courgettes are not good, you will have some clean soil at least!

    Maybe also try Uchiki Kuri (onion) squash on a bed with sweetcorn between; UK is a less invasive and smaller leaved variety and matures more quickly.



    Thanks Charles for the fast response-not sure where you find the time! I have a ready supply of a mix of spent mushroom compost and well rotted horse manure that I can lay over the grass under the cardboard. I read somewhere that the watering issue can be overcome by half burying an upturned water bottle by the squash root system and water through that. Anyway gotta be worth a try-will keep you informed of end result.


    Natures Babe

    Consider also unusual solutions, I gtew one up and along between tha raised decking balcony struts last year, its only the root that needs to be in the soil! Start thinking vertically and you gain space when it’s limited. A forest has seven layers, from root to canopy. I have also seen them ramble very happily over a mountainous compost heap !



    Up here in the mountains all my neighbours let their pumpkins roam free on their decomposing manure heaps, the manure is spread over the gardens the following year. It’s only a question of space. We tried it very successfully last year.

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