The Weather

Community Community Garden Problems Pests The Weather

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  charles 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #52773


    (Not really a pest problem I know but don’t know where else to post this)

    The weather is something we are traditionally not able to do anything about, but following Charles lead I want us to expose this myth together..

    On 24th May there will be a worldwide strike lead by young people against climate change – please support or take part in any way you can. You can google Climatestrike for details and if there is nothing going on in your locality then organise it yourself – maybe simply sit in a deckchair in a your front garden wearing a bathing costume and a silly hat and invite the local press to take a picture. That would be wonderful and worthwhile.

    Please do this for your garden, for the gardens of my children, your children, those of your brother or sister, your neighbours children…




    So we can look forward to the total non use of phones, tablets, laptops for 24 hours-wonderful way to save the planet.



    Hi Cleansweep and once again thanks for reading and replying to my posts.

    – Can you expand a bit on your response?

    Hope you have a great day, and that your weather (wherever you are in the UK) is seasonally appropriate. It’s gone a bit cold here in Switzerland which is more normal than the very long warm spell we had up until last week.




    Thanks compost pope I had not heard of this.
    I am flying to Cork on 24th May to give a talk and seminar about no dig gardening on 25th. Kind of sums up the contradictions in mine and most of our lives, that we are locked into using fossil fuel while wanting and promoting a cleaner future.
    At least there is the contribution of no dig and no till to keeping carbon in the soil.

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