am i doing the right thing

Community Community No dig gardening Preparing the ground am i doing the right thing

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  urbansmallholder 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    i have recently taken over a over grown plot. i dug out lots of bramble cut the grass down. covered the whole plot with cardboard then on top i put approx 4 inches of fresh pony poo from fields and stable material which was heaped up. in places i have bramble and bindweed coming through. im not looking to plant this year so should i cover with plastic. or add more organic matter



     Hi Ladbrokes and welcome to the site.

    I have found through the past year that it works best to have cardboard as TOP layer of a mulch. When buried under compost, it rots more quickly and weeds can then grow through it, whereas it stays dry and impermeable when on top, weighted down with a few stones, logs or whatever. Although after two or three months it may have weathered to the point of needing another layer of cardboard on top.

    Black plastic is easier in this respect and can sometimes be scrounged from someone who has finished with a sheet.

    In your case I would dig out the few remaining brambles, as it sounds like you have sorted most of them, and I would keep pulling bindweed to stop it regaining strength. I know of no ‘cure’ for bindweed, except to keep on top of it. A thick mulch certainly helps, but won’t kill it. Shoots that do appear are easier to pull out or remove with a trowel.

    Weeding is a job which never goes away but after taking time to improve and clean soil, it becomes much easier, and I hope you keep moving in that direction. The first year or two are always the hardest when taking over infested soil.

    Can anyone else offer some tips that have worked?



    thanks for the reply.

    i think i will go for the black plastic as the plot is too lardge to keep covering with cardboard.

    next spring would you suggest that i dig the plot over or re mulch with manure etc



     After six months under light excluding mulch (plastic in your case) the weeds will be much weakened. I would remove it at Christmas, re-mulch with an inch or so of well rotted organic matter and then, in March or so you may see re-growth of a few brambles etc which should be dug out. Similarly any bindweed you see after that, keep trowelling it out. Apart from those I would hope your plot will then be pretty clean and the organic matter on top can be knocked around with a rake or fork to make a tilth for sowing and planting.



    grand, thanks for the advice much appreciated.

    my next quandary is weather to make raised beds with scaffold planks or to just mound up soil. i have heard that the plank system harbors slugs.

    then i have to consider paths. i was thinkin of laying weed plastic then putting wood chippings on top, but to do this i guess i will have to use planks for the beds.



     Yes, planks harbour slugs and are best avoided, except in small gardens where they can help to concentrate fertility and define a special area for growing. Slightly mounded beds is best for larger areas, with paths of soil, with some compost on top to help with weeding. Permanent plastic and membranes are horribloe and wood chips get in the way after a while. Think of paths as a valuable extension of your growing area, with soil that plants can root into. Mine are 15-18" (39-45cm) for four foot beds (1.2m).



    thanks again

    i see your doing a talk in corsham on july 9th. its just up the road from me and i was wondering if anyone can attend or is it just for certain people. are there any tickets left and where is it exactly.

    cheers stu



     yes the talk is open though it is organised by Box gardeners and they may ask for a small fee if you are not a member, hope to see you there




    can you tell me the venue where it is to be held. cant find any info online



     It is at the Selwyn Hall, Box, near Corsham postcode SN13 8NT, at 7.30pm


    I can add that I have had beds both of wood and without. The wooden one are ok but yes they do make it easier for the pests to hide and if your paths are a bit rough (such as mine are) then the weeds can also wriggle their way through. I had mine for 15 years and I’m now slowly getting rid of the wooden beds and just mounding them up gently.
    I’ve seen Charles’ gardens first hand and they are exceptional, I aspire to this!!

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