self-study cultivating vegetables in a sustainable way

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing self-study cultivating vegetables in a sustainable way

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mapy 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello, a few months ago I continue your work and you have opened a new prism on the way of cultivation, I studied organic farming and I have read a lot about permaculture and natural agriculture, David Holgrem, Bill Mollison, Jhon Seymour, Fukuoka and the following reference it’s you
    I would like you to give me some advice to be able to dedicate myself to this wonderful task that is the care of the earth, at this moment I do not have a job and I would like to grow vegetables locally respecting these principles.

    I have a small plot, 1 / 2ha, of land that they always said it would be impossible to get something, because it is extremely clay and compacted, but with the method you practice I see it possible.

    My question is if with these 500 meters it would be possible to get vegetables for local sale to have a small income.

    a cordial greeting



    Hey Pillar, welcome. Where are you and what resources do you have? Do you have water / rain / supply of compost or manure?



    Thank you very much for the quick answer;
    I am in an area of the southeast of Spain, with low rainfall, dry and hot summers and cold winters, windy and with some frost, really is a somewhat discouraging description, the soil is compact and clayey, but I have been adding organic matter for two years and sowing forage and you start to see some result.
    Do you think it is possible under these conditions to achieve a minimum production for sustainable self-employment ?. I have the possibility of getting compost or mulch and manure and irrigation water.

    Thank you very much again for serving me.

    A hug.



    Hi Pillar.
    Challenging climate, but great that you have access to organic matter and water.
    To make a living, you need customers too, so it depends on nearby markets etc.
    I advise having a second job, because the price of veg does not reflect their fair value when properly grown. Most veg for supermarkets are grown by trashing the soil and with cheap labour. The customer does not know that and thinks if you charge a fair price, you are being unfair!
    Make a start and see how it goes, grow your market too.



    Thank you, Charles.
    I will follow your advice and a gap in the market and I will continue to learn from your videos.
    A hug and thanks again for sharing.

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