Broad Beans

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables Broad Beans

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jjat8cv 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #30806

    Plot 33

    I am wondering what broad beans others are growing this year. I have some Imperial Green Long pod growing away on my plot and have decided to grow some Meteor as well ( they were on offer at Asda, Unwins seeds 3 for £4.00). I haven’t grown either of these varieties before, normally going for Aquadulce. Is there much difference in the taste of different broad beans? & if so, what’s your favorite?



    Aquadulce Claudia and Red Epicure here. AC were lovely last year and I grew Real Seeds ‘Wizard’ the year before; smaller, as a field bean, but still delicious. Mr Flowerdew recommends Red Epicure in ‘Gourmet Gardener’ so thought I’d give them a whirl this year.



    I like Green Windsor, its a bit later, tender even when larger beans. With Aquadulce I find the flavour to be richer and sweeter when beans are large and pods are just going from green to a bit yellow. There is some snobbism about “picking beans small for top flavour” but you have a higher proportion of bitter skin at that stage, and a smaller harvest.
    It won’t be too long now!



    My broad – can’t remember which ones they are – possibly Windsor – are just beginning to flower. The potentially huge problem is, I see next to no bees. A couple of years ago my broad beans produced large empty pods. When I mentioned this on the now defunct Guardian gardening blog, Alan Jenkins thought this might have to with lack of pollination. Any ideas, anyone? Can one pollinate broad beans with a small brush like e.g. melons?



    I have loads of bees on my plot as I fill spaces around fruit with flowers that self seed easily and just hoe up the ones I don’t want. So get sowing for next year…For early flowers (apart from those on fruit) I have poached egg plant, wall flowers, later poppies, pot marigold, nasturtiums, sun flowers (mainly for the birds).

    Since having these I have to say that my fruit especially has been cropping so well that I have to thin it!



    Thanks Bluebell, but the problem is not a lack of flowers, there are tons of flowers here at the moment, and I have many that will flower right through summer. The problem is that there are so few bees. I talked to a beekeeper the other day, and she also says, that apart from the bees in her hives, she sees next to no bees. I don’t know if it’s the weather, it has been very rainy for the last week, but most of April was hot and sunny, but still no bees.



    Sorry Hawfinch – misunderstood. Very sad if the population has taken such a tumble. On the plus side I see that Cost co are now selling hives 😉



    Hello all,

    just looking at the Real Seed catalogue and wondering if Aquadulce Longpod is the same bean as Aquadulce Claudia? If not, and any one has grown it, is it as hardy? Seem to be a lot of Aquadulces out there.




    To overwinter outside I grow Aquadulce Claudia, Red Epicure and Jubilee Hysor and in the polytunnel “Long Sutton” (It was originally The Sutton but one plant I grew several years ago climbed to over 8 feet tall and I have grown seed from this plant ever since hence the name). In the spring I grow Karmyzan a pink bean. Broad beans are one of the only vegetables I like to freeze.

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