Companion Growing.

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing Companion Growing.

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  susamp 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi all, just read about some interesting companion ideas and wondered if anyone has tried them, and their experiences if so: main crop spuds with broad beans; beans harvested before the potatoes and the nitrogen from the bean roots help out the spuds. Also, following planting out small sweetcorn plants, sowing a couple of cobra french beans (or similar) next to them, when the soil is warm enough; the corn will be ahead and the beans can climb up them, thus needing no extra effort/ expense on canes etc.

    Any thoughts?



    If I can expand on this: can anyone envisage any issues with these ideas? I wondered if the sweetcorn may get overtaken by the French beans, once they get into their stride…..

    Any other useful companion ideas are gratefully received! Many thanks.



    These sound good in theory…. but broad beans use most of their N to grow themselves so the residue is small for other plants, 3-5% I believe (its in my Myths book).
    The bean-climbing-sweetcorn combination comes for areas with hot summers (USA) where the later bean planting has time to fruit, whereas in the UK its less certain there is time. Planting corn between squash does work though.



    Thanks for your response and insights. I’ll give them a try this year on some of the said plants and see how things go in practice.

    Best to all members for Christmas and 2016; happy growing.



    Thanks for the Christmas wished Stringfellow. Same to you.

    I always plant nasturtium both to eat and to distract the black fly. Also marigolds in the greenhouse to keep away green fly from my tomatoes.

    Perhaps beneficial in a different way to your thinking?



    Hi Bluebell and thanks for the tips. I guess these are more along the ‘sacrificial’ lines of companion planting so different to the ideas I had read. I was particularly interested in those as there is the possibility of another crop from the same piece of land and, perhaps, also improving the companion crop in the process. I’ll give them a go as it’s an aspect of gardening I enjoy; trying new ideas!



    Sowing Radish at the same time as carrot and parsnip in the spring works well – I’ve done that one.

    I planted some beetroot modules out underneath spring chard – they remained when I pulled the chard going to seed in early May and left them to mature until early July.

    I’ve found that fruit trees certainly don’t get harmed by planting garlic, chives, leeks, clover underneath them – not done any science, but the harvests have been great since I planted them and get better – could just be we’ve had a couple of great summers for fruit though.

    I routinely plant marigold in my tomato pots and I’ve done borage before too – definitely no harm there.

    Berlicum carrots do very well after garlic – I harvest my garlic before the end of June here in NW London (sometimes early June if we have a warm, dry spring).



    Thanks for this Rhys. I’ve used the first two ideas of intercropping but not the fruit tree one; always good to have options, thank you! If I remember, I’ll repost here next year and report back on the original ideas following harvests and general observations. I’m also planning on growing a couple of rows of sunflowers; great for the birds and bees this season, and then they can be used to grow beans up the following year – no need for canes 🙂 Cheers.



    I have found that alpine strawberries grow really well in my asparagus bed and so does sorrel. Never had much success with the sweet corn and French beans. Not enough light for the beans.

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