Could Someone Please Clarify For Me About Seed Saving Squash/Pumpkins

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables Could Someone Please Clarify For Me About Seed Saving Squash/Pumpkins

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Richard Bambury 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #21879

    Hello one and all.

    I am planning to grow some pumpkins and squash as soon as we move to our land, seasons permitting. Initially, only two or three of each variety in the first year so I can have a good selection of healthy seeds for when we start the market garden in earnest in the second season. It also gives me a chance to see if some seeds/plants do well or not in the area we are in.

    My mid term goal is to be able to say to our buyers, that the plants have been grown totally organically from seed, which were also organically grown.

    My first goal was to grow a couple of each type which I think will sell best and which we want to use ourselves also. Possibly up to a max of ten different types of Cucurbits.

    I was told if I grew them near by each other then they would all cross pollinate with each other or potentially from someone else’s plants near by too. This was on a different forum.

    Then I read on a bit more on that same forum and read that the only ones that would cross pollinate would be ones from the same variety. EG C.Pepo with C.Pepo or C.Maxima with C.Maxima or C.Moschata with C.Moschata but not C.Pepo with C.Maxima etc

    Can someone please tell me which is true from their seed saving experience.

    We will also be growing Cucumbers for Fermenting using German Crocks too. If that has any bearing on the answer as well.

    Thanks in advance. :)



    I’ve always been told that curcubits are very promiscuous and will cross pollinate at the slightest chance. If you go onto the Real Seeds website there are instructions on seed saving.


    I will find their site. Thanks for the heads up about where to find the resource. Cheers mate. David


    Richard Bambury
    Follow this link for detailed info.
    Also follow the Pumpkin/Squash link on the left menu on their homepage which has a couple of pics of what to do

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