Deer, Rabbits, Pigeons, Badgers ……

Community Community Garden Problems Pests Deer, Rabbits, Pigeons, Badgers ……

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Davorka 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Charles

    In your experience is the only way to keep out the above a 6 ft fence all the way around. Or does covering with fleece, and later netting provide enough of a barrier to deer, and rabbits especially.

    Wild boar are ever moving closer to my plot here on the edge of St Briavels – I suppose a fence is the only way to keep them from destroying the crop?

    At this time of year I get so excited about the season to come, but recently all my efforts have been eaten by inadequate protection.




    Hi Ruth
    Badgers I cannot keep out, need a wall or electric fence.
    Here the others are kept off susceptible crops by bird netting.
    However I do not have waves of deer or pigeons (have had previously), mostly rabbits.
    In your case a perimeter fence may be worthwhile, however it would also need to be protected by a low electic fence to exclude wild boar!


    Converted no digger

    I had Deer coming into my new garden last winter. They were jumping the wire (sheep wire).

    I got scrap boards from old pallets cut them to 3 inch wide lengths and screwed them into the stakes and I got electric fence tape and them plastic holders roughly a foot and a half higher than the sheep wire. The fence is not on its just high enough to stop them jumping. No problem since.

    Crop cover for the Rabbits with hoops otherwise they will walk on the crop cover.

    And the reason I am here now is Badgers with about 2 months done a fair bit of damage last night. Thought I was rid of them between a scare crow, biscuit tins banging off stones and old cds at their height from ground and urine along the sheep wire.

    All out of ideas now.

    Charles does the cover keep the badgers off the beds. I have no cover on this garden yet this year because I have not transplanted yet with the cold.



    Your resourcefulness knows no bounds, nice work against the deer, however badgers are another story and pretty much need a wall.
    They are my worst potential problem here for the random, destructive holes they dig.
    I do not grow sweetcorn or strawberries for fear of attracting them here, since they are creatures of habit.
    However I have found that net or covers will deflect their interest. Unless they find food, they keep shuffling…



    I successfully tested two methods against deers, both of them well. Spreading leftover coffee grounds and human urine. It dont needs to be applied on the plants it self, just around the beds or in the corners.

    Two years ago,my neighbour lost almost all vegetables in one night. I didn’t. I regularly spread coffee grounds when available.

    I’m femal, I don’t have a necessary tool, but I collect urine in a bottle. Just a little bit works great. Very easy and for free. No deers more.

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