February News letter

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing February News letter

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  charles 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #21254

    Sarah Bell

    I don’t quite understand this:

    Sow two broad beans, cabbage, cauliflower, calabrese and lettuce per module and then thin to the strongest seedling as they grow better in singles.

    So I understand your comments re above – ie seed trays or sewing in modules of two and then removing the weaker one. But then you say:-

    “Per cell, I suggest you sow two or three peas, six to eight onions and spring onions, two shallot, four beetroot, and three or four spinach and parsley.”

    I am confused. Ie once seed germinated I prick out into modules x 2 seedlings per module. So what do you mean by the comment above where there are bigger numbers. Is this referring to when you are planting them out – ie planting the single plants which have been growing in modules in groups?

    I hope you understand my query.

    Thank you in advance.



     Hi Sarah

    Woops, I hope I have not confused too many people! I mean there are some veg which grow best as single plants, such as lettuce and cabbage: thin the two seeds to one strong seedling.

    Then there are other vegetables which grow well as clumps, all together, planted unthinned. Peas, beetroot, onion etc. sowing the number of seeds I suggest should give the right number of seedlings. Plant them as clumps of, for example, two or three pea plants, four or five beetroot and four to eit onion, depending how large you like your onions. There are more details in my books.

    Good luck.

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