late sowing of carrots?

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables late sowing of carrots?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ruth noble 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    ruth noble

    Dear Charles,
    Like lots of people, I’m beginning to look forward to gardening season. Last year, I lost all my early sowings of carrots to slugs etc. but tried planting later in a pot and did well. I planted French beans after garlic last year but wonder if you think I could try carrots instead? Thanks, Ruth



     Hello Ruth

    Yes carrots are versatile and June is excellent for large roots to store, then the first half of July allows time for smaller roots to eat from September, and it is good to sow an early variety in July such as Early Nantes. 

    I would say that slugs can happen at any time and I lost a June sowing last year which I intersowed between garlic, whereupon it just rained non-stop, whereas the early March sowing, which was a gamble really, grew best of all after getting away in that lovely warm, dry March, helped by fleece laid on top. Carrrot seed is not too expensive (avoid hybrids!) and an undug bed should be always weed free, so it is worth trying a few extra sowings.

    Incidentally my June sowing in bare soil came up well last year and the carrots are delicious now, from storing in a sack with some soil on the roots.


    ruth noble

    Thanks, Charles. Looking forward to giving it a go – though am spoiled for carrots since a local farmer supplies the local veggie shop with ‘dirty carrots’ which actually taste like carrots,but there is nothing like having your own. I’m assuming that you are suggesting Early Nantes since they are bred to mature quickly….

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