No dig gardening in AZ, Zone 8a

Community Community No dig gardening Preparing the ground No dig gardening in AZ, Zone 8a

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PetraHildegarde 5 years, 1 month ago.

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    I just bought an irrigated farm in SouthEast Arizona and I am studying up on creating a ‘no-dig’ vegetable and flower garden around the house. Local organic farmers tell me “I have to dig once” to “beds have to be 12-18″ high” to “you will never get rid of the bermuda grass”. I would be very grateful for any input. My other main concern is the heat during the summer. Average temp in May are 88, in June/July/August in the upper 90’s and September 91 degrees.
    I am planning on veggies along with a berry patch of strawberry, raspberries and blackberries and later a fruit orchard. My final goal is to supply most of my own vegetables and fruit for a year round supply.

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    very jealous of that heat!! wouldn’t worry about digging but I would definitely put down cardboard 1st even if you’re putting down a thick layer of compost. There was lots of chat on the forum a few months ago about no dig being great for reduced watering so I feel it may help with your summer season.
    I have been following Charles for a year and have given up listening to all the wisdom you get from other gardeners and garden centre staff. Lots of people seem to have a great desire to make extra work and complications for your garden!
    My other bit of advise is start making your compost now, you’ll never have enough!!



    Great! I have already collected cardboard and I have horses, so I’m already collecting manure, racked up leaves and green weeds I am already pulling. Some old hay,too. I am planning on getting a bale of alfalfa hay as that has previously worked great with the horse manure. My best flower bed ever was a mix of horse manure, alfalfa hay, a bit of leaves and old topsoil. I let it sit over winter and planted in spring.

    Alas, for now, I will have to buy compost this spring and should have quite a bit this fall myself.

    Where are you located, Christine?

    I see myself doing the same thing… love listening to Charles’ videos on YouTube!



    Thanks both and Petra be careful of Bermuda grass, it’s more vigorous than our couch grass. You may even need black polythene over it for a whole year or until say September and the roots will cook underneath.
    Your first year will be the most difficult because of that, best of luck.



    Thank you so much for your confirming Charles! My back yard which I am planning to converted it into a no-dig garden is full of Bermuda grass, and we were worry about wether we would able to get rid of them. Would I still able to grow some winter squash on top of the black polythene or should I leave it alone for until next year or at least next September? I am in Oklahoma, zone 7b, US where the summer heat can go up to 100F from May to August, sunny from around 6:30a until 8:30pm and very dry weather.



    I want to say “OK, great!” but then again… lol I am very thankful for the advice, Charles. I consider this season as an experiment and setup time. I have found an area that seems to have no Bermuda grass and I figured I will put a couple beds up and see how it goes! The rest shall cook under the black polythene!

    Happy No-Digging! <3



    I want to say “OK, great!” but then again… lol I am very thankful for the advice, Charles. I consider this season as an experiment and setup time. I have found an area that seems to have no Bermuda grass and I figured I will put a couple beds up and see how it goes! The rest shall cook under the black polythene!

    Happy No-Digging! <3

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