Planting into mushroom compost

Community Community No dig gardening Preparing the ground Planting into mushroom compost

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ruth noble 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    ruth noble

    Charles, I am in the process on making a no dig garden and made two beds with used mushroom compost in January. I put a thin layer of well composted farmyard manure on top, the worms are working away madly and the mushroom compost feels very warm.
    My question is would I better to start off my vegetables in modules and let the worms continue under the cover of plastic or plant the seeds directly into the warm compost?
    Thank you for your support of us all as well as your fascinating updates, Ruth.



    Hello Ruth, thanks for your nice feedback, and a good description of wormy compost.
    If you have somewhere to raise plants, I would do that, for planting in a month or so. Sowing direct after removing black polythene with worms just underneath, runs a risk of birds pecking and ‘digging’ for worms, perhaps scattering seeds and seedlings.
    I would remove the poly about a week before planting to let things settle down (bird wise) before planting.


    ruth noble

    Thank you Charles that was probably my own thoughts too, I just wondered if the extra heat from the compost would outweigh the negatives. Good advice re talking the cover off a week before planting out. Thanks again, Rugh

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