Preparing the ground for a new polytunnel

Community Community No dig gardening Preparing the ground Preparing the ground for a new polytunnel

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  charles 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #21382

    Kevin WW

    Apologies if this has all been covered before. I have just completed construction of the frame of a new 14’x30′ polytunnel (no polythene yet as it isn’t warm enough to stretch over the frame!)and I have low cut ex-lawn inside the frame. I intend to have 3′ beds down both sides and one 3′ bed down the middle with a 2’6″ path around it. I was going to dig or rotovate the entire patch and heap up the path’s topsoil on the beds, but all the information from Charles and others here indicates that I do not need to do this. I have access to lots and lots of well rotted horse manure so do I just pile this where I want the beds and plant into those or do I need compost as well to make sure any seeds do not get lost in the larger lumps of manure? This would leave grass paths-is this worse than mulch paths in that it may encourage more slugs or will constant foot traffic keep the grass down enough?

    I have black mulch on my veg garden paths which works very well.

    Many thanks,

    Kevin WW



     All correct bvut do not have grass paths: grass is invasive and harbours slugs, you want bare soil with some compost on top so black poly for a few months initially (oaths only) will be good. Firm the manure down on the beds, 4-6", then spread an inch or so of reasonably fine compost on top of it, you can then sow and plant straightaway, I even did that with carrots this April.

    Good luck.


    Hi Kevin, I constructed a new 14×28 tunnel this winter and managed to get it covered in the one hot week of March. I ordered a base rail kit instead of burying the polythene in a trench this time and it made covering a lot easier, no more digging trenches which is good on a no dig garden! You need to have used concrete or base plates on foundation tubes otherwise the structure may lift in wind. Might be worth a look a first tunnels site if you haven’t already.


    Kevin WW

    Many thanks Charles and Robin. Very useful advice.

    I’ll just swim out and see if the frame is still there!

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