Rabbits Ate My Winter Salads…What to sow now?

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing Rabbits Ate My Winter Salads…What to sow now?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bluebell 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    So while I was away on holiday a rabbit got into my glasshouse and at up all of the winter salads that I had sown in August/September. Little bugger! As there is a large wait until we plant cucumbers in the summer…probably until as least late May (off of the top of my head)…is there anything that we can sow now/soon that would grow quickly enough to fill the gap? Salad leaves were planted before, but I’m up to grow anything really. Also, it’s quite a big greenhouse (4 beds at 15m x 1m), so we can grow quite a variety of different things.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!!


    That’s bad luck! I’ve had voles having a nibble but managed to keep the rabbits out. You could try Early Nantes carrots which have a good chaane of producing a worthwhile crop before your cucumbers go in – depending on spring weather of course! You could try beet Boltardy as well, but I’ve not tried them this early. You could also leave these crops in between your summer plantings to grow on for a bit longer before harvesting them. Maybe also rocket and spinach would be good quick growers.
    Might also be worth giving your salads a chance to grow back if there is anything left.



     You can sow peas for shoots, any tall variety, to crop from April onwards.



    Thanks for the advice guys! I did notice that some of the lettuce plants look like they still might have some life left in them. I think I’ll sow as per your recommendations and then see how it looks when the seedlings have sprouted. No harm in having too many seedlings!

    I caught the little bugger this morning just outside the greenhouse, so *hopefully* no more rabbit problems. Carrots with peanut butter…gets ’em every time. :)



    How do you use carrots with peanut butter to catch rabbits? My preferred method is air rifle, but maybe not close to a greenhouse 😮

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