Sowing Sweet Corn.

Community Community General Gardening Sowing and Growing Sowing Sweet Corn.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  plantmark 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Charles, is it worth saving seed from Sweet Corn for next year? I grew it for the first time this year and grew Early Bird. I found it one of the more satisfying crops to grow as it had no holes in it and didn’t get smothered in aphids unlike all of my brassicas.

    This year we sailed along enjoying the Sweet Corn, didn’t pick for a few days and when I went back to it found that the remaining 10 cobs had started to dry and were all passed their best and not good to eat.I only need around 20 plants for 2 of us so would you recommend staggering the sowing bearing in mind the need for wind pollination.

    I notice that there are many people still harvesting but mine went over a few weeks ago.

    What time frame do you recommend if staggered sowing is a good option?



    There is a risk Mark that it has cross pollinated with any other variety growing nearby. say within a few hundred metres, since the tiny pollen grains can travel a long way in any wind.
    You can have a harvest succession by sowing a late-maturing variety at the same time as Early Bird.
    Or sow Early Bird 4 to 5 weeks later, even 6. Later sowings tend to catch up.
    Then summer 2019 might be cold & wet and the late sowing will struggle to mature!!



    Thanks for the reply Charles. I tried sowing Early Bird 2 weeks appart and they matured at exactly the same time.
    My question would be.. Is there a late variety?
    I tried one (forget which) branded as mid season, but it was only a fortnight after Early Bird…



    Thank you Charles.

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