Time commitment running a Polytunnel

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  lizcolvin 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi Charles and other polytunnel owners

    I am thinking of getting a 12′ x 25′ polytunnel on my allotment but before going ahead I am trying to get an idea of the likely time commitment. I am not thinking about the time erecting it or raising plants, but more the daily/weekly commitment for ventilating and watering. I envisage growing everything in the ground using Charles’ no-dig method and leaving mesh ventilation above the doors.

    I have a 8′ x 16′ greenhouse and manage this by visiting every couple of days and even having the odd holiday in the summer but the greenhouse does have an automatic vent on one of the windows.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Thank you, John



    John, my method of four panels allows constant ventilation in summer, without having the bottom open, so animals cannot enter and plants are protected to a certain extent if it’s windy.
    Your mesh idea sounds similar.
    Compost-rich soil means watering say every four days in summer is possible. A week could be tricky for some plants, but still possible.



    Thank you Charles. My letter to Father Christmas is on its way. I guess that in high summer we shall have to confine ourselves to week-ends away, perhaps sampling the delights of Bruton and environs, including H&W and Homeacres. Is Steph’s allotment on the ‘no dig trail’ yet?

    Best wishes, John

    P.S. We are thinking of developing the idea of house/pet sitting to allotment sitting!



    Hi John
    I have a 14 foot by 45 foot poly tunnel with 7 foot double doors at both ends. It does get hot in Summer and I do water things like beetroot and tomatoes twice a day if they are wilting.
    I have not employed methods like sinking plastic containers in the beds to seep out water slowly but thinking about it I might try that next year.

    I love my poly tunnel. I have had it 15 years.



    John I have just finished my first season with a 20 x 12 foot tunnel. I have half mesh sliding doors,(for which I have covered frames to keep a bit warmer in winter ) In the warmest periods I have the doors open and have net curtains to keep animals out, that are secured top and bottom. I give a thorough watering once a week and then what I can once or twice during the week as work commitments allow. For me the main challenge is getting up there at times that no one else will be watering as the water pressure all but disappears if other allotmenteers are watering. I do have 3 water butts as a back up plan if I’m really short of time and cannot use the hose 🙂
    Otherwise there is generally less weeding but you will need extra time for picking and tying in etc.



    Thank you for the helpful comments

    LG – that is an enormous tunnel! I have see the amount Charles grows in his much smaller tunnel so I guess you must supply half the UK!

    Bluebell – this is music to my ears; the watering seems very manageable and ventilation through mesh rather than plastic doors in the heat of the summer seems to be the way to go.



    Which sort of poly tunnel? The
    only bright side to having to house my poultry 13 hens 10 duck 4 muscovies, 9 geese (6due to die next weekend for festivities) is that we HAVE to get a poly tunnel to keep DEFRA happy and them free of bird flu. Beyond the fact that straight sides are good, which brand do you recommend. Feel I need to get a shift on as there may be a run on temporary shelter, but it would be a pity to buy the wrong sort if there are better ones. So who do you recommend?



    Mine was from First tunnels. Top tip would be to go for the biggest possible doors for ventilation purposes if you want to grow in it.



    Thank you, and they will put it up, and pricewise they seem to be least expensive, so thank you for your advice. Which cover isit that one should go for?




    Hi Liz I have the thermal one but I believe either are fine. I did push the boat out as the extras were not that expensive compared to the rest – so have storm braces, extra thick poles, crop bars etc but not intending to buy anything else apart form a new cover at some point in the distant future 😀



    Well, I have ordered it, but decided that we should put it up ourselves. What fun, well I hope we don’t all get bird-flue, but so far it is the most wonderful excuse, and the hens etc can clean up the land under the polytunnel before the summer.

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