Veggies to overwinter

Community Community General Gardening Vegetables Veggies to overwinter

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ivyrose 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    It is well known that garlic is best planted in autumn, and broad beans and spring onions can be planted in the autumn too. I planted spring onion seed last year and got a nice early crop. But, are there any other veg that can be started in the autumn for an early crop the following year? Can this be done with carrots?

    I assume most advice is based on what works well, and what is done commercially, but as a home gardener, we can cope with a poor yield if it allows early crops for example. Who cares if we waste some seed, or the carrots are not very big.

    Also I think I will try to germinate carrots indoors in a pot early next year then put them out (in the pot) for an early crop. I recall that carrot seed does not germinate until the days get a bit warmer i.e. march.



    Yes Leif, now is top time to sow carrots under cover (not outside, that was better in late September), they stay small over winter then crop in May, and flower in June.
    Try sowing peas in November outside, though they are less hardy than broad beans, especially to slugs.



    Thanks Charles, very helpful. It’s probably too late for carrots now for me as I only have a coldframe, although pots against a south facing wall and on a concrete path are a bit warmer. Something for next year.



    Charles, I was very encouraged to see that it might be a good idea to sow carrots now. I have a small polytunnel which is very productive. I have a bit of space. Do you think I could put some seeds in? We are in south Cheshire.
    If so would a Nantes type do? I think I have some of those. Thanks for all your helpful advice.



    The Adelaide variety of the carrot is best to grow during November in the greenhouse and outdoors in July.Onions,Shallots and Garlic are great to grow over the winter.The weather is getting to be really cold out here and I have to start winterizing my garden pretty soon I have already covered most of the plants with crop covers.

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